Rachel Shimpock
(She/Her, United States)
Student Body President, Varsity Field Hockey, Model United Nations, Volleyball Team’s “Most Inspirational Player”
Rachel Shimpock
Frozen Waffles For Brekkie
Electroformed Belgian Waffle (not an Eggo, don’t hate)
Copper, Enamel, Steel, Powder Coat
6” x 6” x 1”
Photograph by Linette Kielinski
Pictured with the work of Hannah Kim and Rebecca Schena
“High school was traumatic for me so I ate...a lot! (I miss my teenage metabolism) Food helped me cope and also make friends. One day I was invited by the cool kids to go to Carl's Jr. after school (where the 15-16 y.o. elite meet!) It was serious status! Brekkie was my specialty! I love waffles...Belgian waffles...well, they are classy AF? Am I wrong!? Nope! Plus it was the only waffle maker we had; my mom bought it on a trip to Europe in her 20's and brought it home in her suitcase! (My mom REFUSED to buy Eggos...denied!!) She taught me from scratch was better. She was right (don't tell her I said!) This waffle immortalizes my love of the waffle and the moments I shared with my mom over a hot steaming iron sharing stories trying not to burn ourselves! (spoiler we burned ourselves a lot...worth it!). High school sucked but cooking and baking saved me and brought me closer to my family and friends. Food can always find a way I do my best with my tools to follow its lead.”